Friday, August 21, 2009

Been a long time

I feel like, at this point, it's been so long since I blogged I should just start over. A ton has happened since I last blog: got a great job, got accepted to grad school, realized I couldn't go to said "online" grad school since they actually want me to go there, dealt with insurance way more than I wanted (which is never, so it's always too much) and watched my daughter pass some really growing up milestones. It's been kind of a nutty month.

In news outside my self-absorption, some religions are become more accepting of all people (at least, in America), gay marriage is legal in parts of Africa, the economy is looking ever-so-slightly up and people are freaking the fuck out about health care. I read a particularly icky blogger today saying Americans need to take responsibility for their own health and stop expecting doctors and prescriptions to do it for them. Aside from being exactly what doctors and prescriptions are supposed to do, hasn't she been paying attention to the incredible phenomenon of people in this country diagnosing themselves wrongly because they can't afford to go to the freaking doctor?

And if by "taking responsibility" for our own health she means we should eat right and exercise, she's got the wrong country. They can have my personal responsibility when they pry it from my greasy, fat hands.

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